I've been planning on proposing since September last year, and once I'd purchased my rings in May, I knew I really had to go ahead and do it!
I proposed on July 22, a Sunday. It was my mancreature's birthday on the 24th, but I had to work, so we decided to celebrate his birthday on the Sunday before instead. I made a big deal out of having his birthday present ready, etc. We woke up on Sunday morning and I made him breakfast in bed, and we ate our fruit salad together in bed, and drank coffee.
How I managed to eat anything at all is beyond me! I'd been managing to keep myself pretty calm up until that morning! As I was making his breakfast, I was frantically telling my internet friends (who were in on it) that I was too chicken, and I wanted to call it off. They gave me a kick in the pants, and after our breakfast I told him I had to go and get his birthday present.
So! I walk in with the box, which was concealed in a tiny paper bag, and he looks at the bag and goes “Well, it's not very BIG, is it?” I gaped at him, and then told me he was a size queen (sheesh!!!).
The box was unveiled and I made him admire my hard work before he opened it…

Sammy is an indie game developer who makes a game for his games user researcher girlfriend Tasha every year. This year he ramped up his... Read more
When he opened it I could only manage to squeak out “Wanna get married?” and he looked at the box and then at me with a confused and surprised expression. Luckily, he responded “Yes!”… and then followed it up with a pout and “But I want to be player one!!”
We had discussed in the past how he felt about me proposing, and he had told me he thought it was silly that society expects only the male to propose. When he said that, I knew I was going to propose, even though I had always daydreamed about being proposed to. I'm so glad I was the one that popped the question!
Too cute!! And your box is amazing 😀 Congratulations!
I love this! Everything about it. Congratulations 😀
That is just so awesome! Congrats!!! 😀
Augh this is SUUUUUPER cute!!! Congrats to you both 🙂
I love, love, love the idea of “Ready” and “Press Start”.
This is the cutest proposal I have every seen ! I have to share it with some not-yet-married friends who I’m sure will steal this idea!
TOO freaking ADORABLE!
Awesome proposal story! That box needs to be kept FOREVER, btw.
Wonderful idea and so creatively executed! My boyfriend’s a huge Nintendo geek, so I almost wish I had thought of this first!!!
This is adorable! Such a great idea and story to go along with it. Congratulations!!
Love this! Congratulations! The box is too cute! <3
Genius proposal idea. I have no other words, just pure genius.
I am so happy that so many people enjoy my story 🙂 I really hope it inspires some other women to pop the question to their partners! 🙂
Rock on! Nice job making the box, it’s perfect and clever 😉
Congrats! I proposed to my soon-to-be-hubby as well….and I honestly got so much negative talk because I was the one that proposed. Some of our friends still don’t see it as an “official” engagement! And every once in a while someone will look at my ring finger and not see a ring and question my engagement. Hopefully, you don’t deal with all of that. Best of luck!!!
This is so great! I love the “press start” 🙂
Tearing up! So wonderfully amazing! My hubs-to-be proposed, 2 years ago after a trip to a “zoo” (www.northwesttrek.com its not really a zoo-type of zoo. It’s different.) and we’ve been slowly planning a pretty amazing event. He kept bringing up how it wasn’t fair that I got to wear a ring and he didn’t. So, this last Christmas I bought his band and hid it in the tree, when he found it I preposed to him. It was awesome and he loved it!
HOLY COW!! I just saw this on Cheezburger!
Congratulations! I too proposed to my partner. It certainly is a nerve racking thing to do, and mine wasn’t even nearly half as planned as yours!! 6 months later and I still don’t have a ring, but it’s not about the ring. We know we’re engaged, and that’s all that matters. Above ‘Deus Said’ they got a lot of negative feedback, I can’t say Í’ve had the same. Literally everyone we know said “Well we all knew when it happened it would happen differently to everyone else”. Congratulations again and ENJOY!
This is too adorable! So creative. 🙂
Awww! Love it!
Can you purchase these? I really want one!!
So amazing!!! I have being thinking about propose to my girlfriend this week, and this… this gives me many ideas.
I’ve seen this before and I still love it very much! And it’s nice to know the sweet story behind it now. And now it kicks even more ass, knowing that a lady did the proposing!