I'm not an especially frilly lady when it comes to my footwear, but I am loving all the wedding shoes I'm seeing these days with sassy bows on them… in some cases, BIG bows. Like, bows that are bigger than the shoe, practically. It's an awesome twist on a dainty little detail. For the purposes of this post, I went for a range of bow sizes, ranging from modest to OMG MY EYES. The styles range from towering “ouch my feet” heels, down to cheetah-print oxfords. I've got ankle bows, toe bows, and side bows. BOWS!
A lot of these shoes are, ah, high concept. If you're looking for timeless romanticism, look elsewhere. These shoes most definitely do NOT fit with... Read more
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Whoa, I think that bonus shoe wins the bonus shoe prize.
As a bride-to-be who will be wearing glittery heels with big bows on her wedding day, this makes me happy!
I own these boots – the bow actually is bigger than the shoe!