Popcorn is one of the most perfect foods for enjoying the show — and isn't your wedding one helluva show? Microwave popcorn is a great favor, and an inexpensive one — though commercial varieties are more expensive than this homemade version. Whether you're not a fan of artificial butter chemical flavorings, or want to add a personal flavor flair to your own popcorn, this project is a super-easy way to DIY a tasty favor.
Materials and Tools
- 1/3 measuring cup
- Popcorn kernals
- Plain Paper Lunch Bags (small size, available in your local grocery store super cheap)
- Mailing Seals
- Spices to flavor your popcorn
- Scrapbook paper and double sided tape or glue dots
Step 1: Measure 1/3 cup popcorn kernels and pour into bag, making sure they land in the bottom but still fold back up.

I made these "Yay" flags for our wedding, intending for people to wave them for us as we walked away after the ceremony. They ended... Read more
If you're going to add flavor, like a pinch of chili powder, cinnamon, etc. do that now, too.
Step 2: Place bag on table, bottom facing up, then fold as shown below — up once, then a shorter flap down three times.
Step 3: Add a mailing sticker to seal the bag – careful to line up the perforation with the fold.
This is a good place to add instructions – “Pop 2 minutes-ish” I hand-scrawl on these, though you can print onto them, too, or…
Step 4: Cut a strip of scrapbook paper (or recycled newspaper, old comic books, etc.) and wrap around the bag — seal with a strip of double sided tape or glue dots. This gives you a place to add instructions for popping, if you didn't want to write it on the mailing seal. You can write on the paper, or affix a sticker with printed instructions, wedding logo, goofy jokes, whatever you like.
All done! Super easy, and a great “do while watching a season of something on Netflix” project. Enjoy the show!
Adding flavors and quips/quotes to this favor allows for a lot of customization. You can add this to welcome bags for out-of-towners, make up a few for your bridesdudes and groomsladies, or send to folks who can't make it, with a link to your wedding webcam feed.
Buying popcorn in bulk, and plain paper lunch sacks, this favor can cost less than 50 cents each. Your mileage may vary, though – if you're a foodie, you might want to go the gourmet route, and if you're adding saffron (which would be cool) it's clearly going to get pricier. Spices, if any, should be added sparingly. A generous pinch, at most. So if you're looking to make taco-flavored popcorn, one packet of seasoning should make quite a few favors.
Your Turn!
Will you be designing your own microwave popcorn? Tell us how you'll make this project your own in the comments below.
Whoa! I’ve never thought about popping regular popcorn in the microwave. I’ve only ever done the stuff that comes in the microwave bags. Do you pop it in the paper bag, or remove it? If in the bag, do you have to remove the sticker and the decorative paper?
You leave it in the paper bag, and let the sticker perforate (it can stay on – I’ve popped dozens and dozens of bags this way) and keep the top little fold folded. It pops up just like a microwave popcorn bag. For me, it’s just barely less than 2 minutes, but your microwave may vary, hence the “ish” when I write on the sticker.
You do remove the decorative paper, so that it can expand – I stick the paper to itself like a little sleeve so it comes right off for popping.
Once it’s popped, you can salt it or drizzle a little butter, or toss it with spices if you didn’t put any in the bag. It’s super tasty.
Oh wow, I love this idea! And yes, I too am curious as to all the questions Ally asked.
You can remove the sticker if you’re worried about it, though I never do unless it just comes off on its own. It’s borderline mind-blowing how easy and cheap it can be to have whatever kind of popcorn you want, just as fast as commercial microwave varieties. 🙂
WHY did you post this two days before my wedding? I would love to do this. I have the bags because Im using lunch sacks for favor bags, and had leftovers. not quite enough though…
The folds must gradually open until there are just a couple folds left at the top?
Yup – just like a popcorn bag gradually expands, this one does too – try just one yourself and watch – it’s like being a little kid again. WHOO! Popcorn! 🙂
I love this idea! We’re getting married at the Silent Movie theater in LA. What a great favor. I never thought of spicing up popcorn. But a Cinnamon batch or a spicy batch sounds so yummy. any other spicing flavor ideas?
-Dylan, the Modern Groom
I’ve used a pinch of apple cider mix, taco mix, old bay is great on all kinds of traditionally salty things. Cinnamon or cinnamon sugar (go super easy on the sugar so it doesn’t burn) gives it just a hint of caramel corn flavor. Steak seasoning is tasty to me, but might not be for everyone. I think experimenting with a couple attempts with different flavorings is best – stare at the spice cabinet a minute till something jumps out at you – and let us know what you come up with!
Oooh! I wanted to do an old school sleep-over for an apartment warming party and these are the perfect favors!
And, by the way, for chocolate lovers…try sprinkling cocoa mix on your popcorn…yum!
OOOOH so cool! I’m going to try this for sure! Even if I don’t use as a wedding favor I’ll totes use in real life LOL.
Also, not sure if they sell this in the states or what not, but where I am (Ontario Canada) you can pick up the Popcorn spice shakers to add any flavour you’d like. They sell in most grocery stores, flavours like ketchup, dill etc. So that’s another option to add some zent to your popcorn 🙂
This is pretty cool. FH and I are thinking of renting a popcorn cart for the reception, but we may do this instead!
Why not do both!? Popcorn for at the reception and popcorn to take home for later! It would also be cute to serve popcorn during the ceremony!
I’m thinking some quirky wording like
We had a “jolly-good” time heh heh get it?
or thank you for sharing our “jolly-good”time LOL dunno…. its super cute idea tho!
LOVE it. I’m a fan of puns, ALWAYS 🙂
I think this is super cute. Instead of as a favor maybe just for my bridesmaids and the child attendants
These look great. How far in advance can you make them?
I haven’t tried this yet, but in general for seasoning, I like a little smoked paprika on my popcorn! It should be cheap, easy and FUN to experiment with a few varieties before making up a whole batch of favors. And who couldn’t use an excuse for a few laid back movie nights before their wedding?
I LOVE this idea for my wedding in April simply because I just love popcorn!! This is so easy and looks inexpensive. Can you tell me how you word the popping directions? How do you like this saying, “Love is sweet, enjoy this treat!” I saw it on pinterest. If you put seasoning or no seasoning in the bags, how long can the packages last? I am just thinking because I may do this when I have time off in Feb even though my wedding is in Aril. thank you!!
Great idea! I’m going to make this for Christmas for my son who’s a college freshman and loves microwave popcorn.