Anyone may know my love for Domo-kun. Source:

This chica over at The Daily Nail is awesome. I don't even remember how I found her blog, but it's now all over our Pinterest account. I'm such a nail noob that talent in doing nails is a revered art to me. She has some of the coolest geeky nails ever. I'm talking Super Mario, Helvetica, and the old skool Apple logo.

So I went-a looking to see if I could find MOAR geek-tastic nail tutorials to include in your geeky wedding repertoire. Nails are great because they can be super subtle. But who doesn't want to wave their geek flag high?

The Doctor approves of these nails. Source:
Old skool fanboy love. Source:
MARIO! Source: via Alexis
Harry Potter adorableness. Source:
Alternately, Harry Potter BAD-ASSNESS! Source:

Plus, I found some related video tutorials, including this Domo-kun how-to:

Check out this Angry birds tutorial:

And our heroes in a half-shell… TURTLE POWER! THEY'RE THE WORLD'S MOST FEARSOME FIGHTING TEEEEAM… ahem. Got carried away.

Pretty much any brand of geek or pop culture seems to be found on nails these days. What's your poison?

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Comments on 8 ways to geekify your wedding day nails

  1. I have several friends who sell the Jamberry nail wraps and they have a “design your own” option. I made myself some Doctor Who wraps and I’m considering making some others to have a few nerdy options debating on my mood.

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