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We all love alternative cake and nontraditional cupcakes, but Offbeat Wed also adores wedding pie, wedding candy, and wedding wheels of cheese. We have wedding menus, and information for special diets like vegetarians vegans, gluten free folks, and more!

Screen Shot 2013 05 20 at 1.35.49 PM alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Give a nod to your love of books with tiny book cake toppers

Have you (or maybe your uber-traditional mom) been dreaming of a perfect, white, three-tiered, weeding cake? But at the same time, do you want to throw in a special little offbeat something? I love these tiny book cake toppers — perfect for bookish weddings.

8722483618 a773680c99 h alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Eat your heart out… of your wedding cake

Check out this wedding cake with an anatomical heart cake topper, made out of Rice Krispie treat. In fact, we took a vote and “anatomical heart cake topper, made out of Rice Krispie treat” is one of our favorite sentences ever written in the history of Offbeat Bride. Yes, hearts and weddings often go hand in hand. But, with Samm and Tribe member Meirybomb, their heart and wedding went hand to mouth…

alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Accio Harry Potter wedding dessert bar!

Tribesmaid MrsGraves13 is planning a Harry Potter dessert bar and has some great ideas on how to stock it. If you’re planning a Harry Potter-themed wedding, or party, check out these magical candy selections…

Feed your guests and fix all your problems with fruit bouquets alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Feed your guests and fix all your problems with fruit bouquets!

How do you simultaneously appease family demands for “more than just cake” while also bringing joy to all your guests with restricted diets AND adding an explosion of color to your reception tables? Oh AND providing wedding favors?! Fruit bouquets are the answer to all these woes as more, as Offbeat Bride Tribe member Moonlitfractal explains…

pi day wedding as seen on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

3.14159 reasons to love Pi-Day weddings (and pies!)

It’s Pi Day! We’ve featured several Pi Day weddings, and we want to celebrate the day by sharing both our favorite kinds of Pi and pie.

pinata cake how to alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Fill a cake with goodies to make it a piñata cake

A big ball of cake filled with candy?! What the hell else could this be but a PIÑATA CAKE! It’s a cake with more goodies inside of it. Wouldn’t this look fab on a sweets table (and like tons of work went into it)? It doesn’t even seem that hard to make since you bake it before you cut it and fill it up.