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If you’re looking for free wedding printables and wedding DIY tutorials, it’s here. We’ve got everything from wedding decor DIY projects to fashion DIY, and of course DIY wedding favors. But for the love of god, mostly everyone wants wedding invitation DIY — we’ve got it all!

10039157923 2e373052bb alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

There is no such thing as a DIY wedding

When we first got engaged, we had several long discussions about whether or not to elope and avoid the party aspect altogether. We finally decided to go ahead and throw a small party, but with one overarching principle: We were going to do the whole thing ourselves. But the flaw in our DIY system, I found, was the “Y.”

Screen Shot 2013 10 22 at 12.43.52 PM alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How to make broken mirror save the dates for your Halloween wedding (or even just parties)

Halloween 2013 means it’s a great year for superstition-themed parties! A save-the-date is a great way to establish the mood of your party, and since we’re going with superstitions, what is more superstitious than a broken mirror? Here’s how to make them yourself…

Swatch alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Use watercolor swatches to share your wedding color scheme

I’ve been wringing my hands over my “dusky” wedding colors, and it’s been difficult to explain to my bridesmaids what I generally had in mind. A lot of them will have to search for their dresses solo, and I think some of the girls have been nervous to just start looking without a narrower focus. So I sat down with my watercolors and metallic nail polish and started hammering out swatches…

9979804285 918dcdae74 z alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Turn trays into elegant, wedding-ready chalkboard signs

Check out how chalkboard paint can turn pretty shiny trays into elegant, wedding-ready signs for your big event! Aaron and Emily used these beauties to direct guests to their ceremony and venue locations, and to highlight their card box…

Sciency steampunkey vial place cards 1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Science-y, steampunk-y vial place cards

We’re trying to make our reception tables look like the desk of a (mad?) scientist or at least a bit bookish and science-y. So these are our place cards! They’re all itty bitty glass vials with a label and some contents. The label names are geeky references. The contents are mostly things from the pantry. And then we’re gonna put the name cards on top.

RkPWiGo alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Will you be our Companions?: Whovian wedding party proposal boxes

These wedding party proposal boxes were loosely based off the idea of those cute “Be My Maid” boxes that regularly pop up on Pinterest, as well as the awesome spin-offs I’ve seen on Offbeat Bride. Since we are having a Doctor Who wedding, the boxes had to be Whovian.