Pieces of flair for your wedding!: How to make a pin back bouquet in 10 easy steps
My bouquet is a ball of awesomeness — it’s a ball of pin backs (aka badges, aka buttons, aka pieces of flair).
How to DIY a floral wedding arch in one afternoon using fake flowers for wedding fabulosity
We decided to use my parents backyard for our venue and ended up DIYing almost every aspect of the wedding. One of our best projects was the floral wedding arch we made for the ceremony. It was very inexpensive and can be completed in one afternoon. There are a ton of different ways you could customize the arch depending your wedding…
Level up your brooch bouquet: give it a theme!
There is no such thing as an uncool brooch bouquet. BUT. Have you ever considered building your bouquet to a theme?
How to make fabulous paper rose bouquets
My fiancé is allergic to all the pollen from essentially ALL the flowers. Therefore, standard wedding decor, typically involving floral arrangements was a challenge. I’m resourceful, crafty, and obsessed with efficiency. This lead to Operation Paper Roses. From prototype to final product, here’s the recipe for making this fabulous paper rose bouquet…