Category Archive

Wedding Inspo

When you’re planning a wedding, really good wedding photography can almost be like looking at dirty pictures! This is our archive of posts focused more on wedding photography (and less on written explanations).

Andujar Andujar Roman Francisco MadeOnFilm001 low alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A Buddhist same-sex new york pop-up wedding

Jazell and Debra were part of the Pop Up Chapel event in New York City, which brought together unique archways and backdrops to 24 same-sex couples for an open-air ceremony. Roman Francisco was there to photograph the event including their amazing outfits, Buddhist ceremony, and a large, supportive audience of guests and spectators.

wt 070812 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Serve “walking tacos” at your reception

A “walking taco” is an awesomely portable, perfectly portioned, totally casual snack that would be perfect during a cocktail hour or reception. The trick is how to teach your guests how to make it!

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These Daily Prophet wedding programs are bloody magic

Tribesmaid Tochart just had her Harry Potter-themed wedding. Before she (hopefully!) fills out a bride profile, we thought we’d share with you her bloody brilliant wedding programs a la The Daily Prophet. (Bonus points if you find the Doctor Who surprise appearance.)

5129383512 390e810244 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Craft award corsages for your wedding VIPs

Stacy and Bob (pictured in the middle from way back when!) made these ribbon “award” corsages for their extra special people with awesome vintage photos. They are made from tiny frames and some mismatched ribbon.