Category Archive

Wedding Inspo

When you’re planning a wedding, really good wedding photography can almost be like looking at dirty pictures! This is our archive of posts focused more on wedding photography (and less on written explanations).

Dalek invite finished small alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Daleks like to party: Whovian bachelorette party invitations

IT’S SURPRISE DALEK DAY! No one would expect that Daleks like to party! Except that Tribesmaid Bethany totally did. These are her Doctor Who-themed bachelorette party invitations…

fdfff 090512 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Fabulous fashion, a jaunt in the water, and one colorful ceremony space

Tribesmaid Inthecorridors created this intricate headpiece from silk millinery flowers and kanzashi on a silk band with a gold-painted Millennium Falcon, atop an ivory stretch lace veil. It’s a fashion bonanza this week in the reader submissions and we are all over it.

DSC 3950 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Send your partner a drink before the wedding

Ariel already suggested sending your partner a salatious love note before the ceremony, but what about my old friend Sarah’s idea of sending your partner a stiff drink before the wedding? Sarah explains her genius idea…

7698258224 55016d231c alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Hand-made, fold-out, super personalized wedding party invitations

We wanted a really special and personal way to ask our friends to be in our wedding party, and I wanted to make something ourselves. So we dug around in boxes of old photos of us and some of our favorite people and made these fold-out wedding party invitations.