Big lollipops: A sweet addition to your bouquet
Longtime readers know that non-floral bouquets can be a low-cost and high-fun alternative to real flowers. And for those of us who have a sweet tooth (yours truly represent), adding some candy to your bouquet makes it, quite literally, that much sweeter.
Cake-loving kids, herb centerpieces, and some bad-ass wedding parties
These mini members of Kathleen and her groom’s wedding party have needs too, guys. It was a pretty adorable way to add some levity and get the kids involved. The sign behind this ones says, “Hey Uncle Tommy, here comes your bride!” In addition to this bit of sweetness in the reader submissions, we’ve got some actual cake (with geeky toppers!), a handfasting with lovely herb centerpieces, and a fair few awesome wedding party shots.
A braided faux hawk wedding look for a wild night
If you like braids but want something a little edgier for your wedding, this faux hawk made from a Dutch (inside-out) braid is pretty rad. It’s a can have a lot of height and looks really funky if you’ve got highlights or multicolored hair since it really highlights the braid itself.
A leaf-peeping couple weds during fall foliage season
Ann and Penny had been together for 22 years before they finally tied the knot in a fall foliage-inspired wedding. They met at a leaf-peeping, so a wedding during the peak of Vermont’s leaf color changes was perfect. They celebrated the season with a leaf-decorated cake and some colorful rainbow decor.