Peacock wedding shoes [Updated for 2022!!]
It’s no secret that the ladies love to rock the peacockiness these days — we’ve seen peacock bouquets, fans, color schemes, and more. In keeping, I decided to offer up a few of my favorite peacock wedding shoes.
Vintage carnival save-the-dates
I just finished my Save the date cards and I wanted to share them with everyone… as I found it very hard to find details on how to do all the little bits! Our wedding has the theme of “Vintage Carnival.” I thought I would share my photos and how I made them, also I’m […]
When you have an amusement park wedding, you get really fun photos
We are TOTALLY freaking out over Matt and Jessica’s incredible wedding party photos taken on carnival rides at some amusement park in Bismarck, North Dakota. hey took awesome ferris wheel shots like this one of the bride and groom here, along with some fun times on a swing (remember underdogs?), merry-go-round photos, and these really great bridal party photos with the groups going down a Super Slide…
Rainbow ribbons & curls
We all know I’m a sucker for ribbon veils, but I’m LURVING Teresa’s curls wrapped around rainbow ribbons.