Portuguese “happy pill” wedding favors
Helena didn’t want to spend too much on favors and she also wanted something that people could use and then throw away. So she combined that idea with her love of sweets and vintage ’50s Portuguese advertisements and created these!
The sexy men of the wedding party, plus major cake geekage
This week’s Flickr Pool was a sea of jumping, bathtub-standing, baby-wielding groomsmen. Must be something in the air… and I like it! Come celebrate those steadfast gents plus some geek cake carnage in the Monday Montage.
Toasting flutes that are all kinds of AWESOME
Toasting flutes: Wedding Industrial Complex fluff or excuse for a bit more AWESOME? Here are a few ridonkulously cool toasting flute options, that include dragons, optical illusions, and more.
Tribe member Gillian’s funky, sunny, Scottish wedding tease
This wedding had me at UNION JACK SHOES! But there’s so much more than just awesome shoes at this wedding — keep reading to see the rare sunny day wedding in Scotland of Tribe member Gillian.