Ever wonder what a wedding in World of Warcraft looks like?
Kellia and her husband were married in a “Pirates and Pagan beach wedding.” Surprisingly enough, this post is not about that wedding (as cool as it sounds). This post is about their other wedding … their World of Warcraft wedding.
Vintage snack: love in the time of war
This couple survived a five-year separation that started just one day after the wedding. But they did look fantastic in their going away outfits. Get the whole story here.
Romance, lovey-dovey couples, and flower-covered cheese
Romance was in the air in the Offbeat Flickr Pool this week. Caution: kissing, gazing, and lovey-dovey looks ahead in this week’s Monday Montage.
A Renaissance wedding with cupcake slaying and DIY details
Lindsay and Joe crafted an amazing Renaissance-themed wedding complete with battle axe cake cutting. Here are some of my favorite details.