Category Archive

Stuff we love

Whether you’re looking for unique wedding dresses, wedding shoes, cute wedding invitations, nontraditional wedding rings, or an offbeat wedding photographer… chances are you’ll find ’em here. Start by browsing our Vendor Directory for vendors in YOUR area, and then have fun with these posts to find online wedding dressmakers, photographers, and more!

world of warcraft wedding 1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Ever wonder what a wedding in World of Warcraft looks like?

Kellia and her husband were married in a “Pirates and Pagan beach wedding.” Surprisingly enough, this post is not about that wedding (as cool as it sounds). This post is about their other wedding … their World of Warcraft wedding.

vintage 081511 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Vintage snack: love in the time of war

This couple survived a five-year separation that started just one day after the wedding. But they did look fantastic in their going away outfits. Get the whole story here.

wedding2 081011 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Romance, lovey-dovey couples, and flower-covered cheese

Romance was in the air in the Offbeat Flickr Pool this week. Caution: kissing, gazing, and lovey-dovey looks ahead in this week’s Monday Montage.

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A Renaissance wedding with cupcake slaying and DIY details

Lindsay and Joe crafted an amazing Renaissance-themed wedding complete with battle axe cake cutting. Here are some of my favorite details.