Maria & Luke’s Hispano-Hipster dance party wedding!
Our wedding was concert-themed, meaning we got married on stage, to music, in a show venue, distributed tickets, handbills, etc. So many things made this wedding *us*. From our garb (giant red dress & powder blue vintage tux) to the venue (an old warehouse converted into a show venue), to the homemade cupcakes and home-arranged flowers, we managed to get everything we wanted, for dirt cheap, and still made it all look relatively good.
Stacey & Scott’s intimate vintage Hollywood affair
The offbeat bride: Stacey, High School English Teacher and Bartender Her offbeat partner: Scott, Electrician and Musician Location & date of wedding: Hotel Laguna, July 5th 2008 – Laguna Beach, California What made our wedding offbeat: Our ceremony was incredibly personal. Our reception was more of a dinner party and the whole experience felt intimate […]
Haley & Joe’s infamous porange Buddhist hippie party wedding
Haley & Joe are totally Burners, and since half my friends are at Burning Man this week, I figured it was the perfect time to feature this fabulously PORANGE wedding! The offbeat bride: Haley, Nanny Her offbeat partner: Joe, Engineer Location & date of wedding: Joaquin Miller Park Cascade, Oakland, CA. June 29, 2008 What […]
Getting weddinged is what it’s called when you have a wedding after you’re already legally married
Getting weddinged, verb: The act of having a wedding after you’re already legally married.