Category Archive

Real Weddings: Western US

Here are some of the most freaky fabulous weddings from the shores of the Best West Coast all the way to the Rocky Mountain states, including Seattle weddings, Portland weddings, California weddings, and more. Submit your wedding for consideration via

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Jessica & Lorien’s Oliver Stone meets David Lynch fantasy wedding

The offbeat bride: Jessica Her offbeat partner: Lorien, CEO of Location & date of wedding: Wedding in Nevada desert, party in NYC loft — 10/3/09 wedding; 10/24/09 party What made our wedding offbeat: Never a traditionalist. Always a rebel (unless it turns into a cliche). Terrified of weddings and every “walk down the aisle,” […]

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Miranda & Josh’s river running wedding & rainy day reception

The Offbeat Bride: Miranda, Juvenile Court Employee Her Offbeat Partner: Josh, Web Developer Location & date of wedding: Wedding: Lochsa Lodge in Northern Idaho; Reception: Miranda’s Parents’ Backyard in Boise, Idaho — Wedding, June 11, 2009; Reception, June 13, 2009 What made our wedding offbeat: One of our favorite places on earth is the Lochsa […]

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Amanda & Patrick’s Elvis wedding in Las Vegas & Iowa reception

The offbeat bride: Amanda, Medical Assistant/hair stylist Her offbeat partner: Patrick, Softwear Control Libriarian Location & date of wedding: Swan Garden Lakeside, Las Vegas Nevada — October 13th 2009 What made our wedding offbeat: After dating for 6 years, I asked HIM to marry me. We decided to go down to fabulous Las Vegas and […]

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Ragani & Will’s Cinematic Gala & Music Spectacular Wedding

This is sort of an Offbeat Bride family wedding. Not only is it the wedding of longtime OBT member Ragani — but it was the first wedding that Managing Editor Megan ever photographed. Kudos to Ragani & Will for taking a chance on an a newbie wedding photographer.   The offbeat bride: Ragani, Art Director […]