Jessica & Lorien’s Oliver Stone meets David Lynch fantasy wedding
The offbeat bride: Jessica Her offbeat partner: Lorien, CEO of Location & date of wedding: Wedding in Nevada desert, party in NYC loft — 10/3/09 wedding; 10/24/09 party What made our wedding offbeat: Never a traditionalist. Always a rebel (unless it turns into a cliche). Terrified of weddings and every “walk down the aisle,” […]
Miranda & Josh’s river running wedding & rainy day reception
The Offbeat Bride: Miranda, Juvenile Court Employee Her Offbeat Partner: Josh, Web Developer Location & date of wedding: Wedding: Lochsa Lodge in Northern Idaho; Reception: Miranda’s Parents’ Backyard in Boise, Idaho — Wedding, June 11, 2009; Reception, June 13, 2009 What made our wedding offbeat: One of our favorite places on earth is the Lochsa […]
Amanda & Patrick’s Elvis wedding in Las Vegas & Iowa reception
The offbeat bride: Amanda, Medical Assistant/hair stylist Her offbeat partner: Patrick, Softwear Control Libriarian Location & date of wedding: Swan Garden Lakeside, Las Vegas Nevada — October 13th 2009 What made our wedding offbeat: After dating for 6 years, I asked HIM to marry me. We decided to go down to fabulous Las Vegas and […]
Ragani & Will’s Cinematic Gala & Music Spectacular Wedding
This is sort of an Offbeat Bride family wedding. Not only is it the wedding of longtime OBT member Ragani — but it was the first wedding that Managing Editor Megan ever photographed. Kudos to Ragani & Will for taking a chance on an a newbie wedding photographer. The offbeat bride: Ragani, Art Director […]