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Real Weddings: Northeast US

From New England to New York and Rhode Island to Long Island, couples in the Northeast have their own distinct brand of offbeat. A little urban, and little upstate, and a bit of an edge — we love you East Coast offbeat couples! Submit your wedding for consideration via

green alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

It’s all fun and games until an epic cueca starts (learn what it is!)

“The couple that plays together stays together” was the motto of Drea and Steve’s wedding. This was evident from start: the wedding invitation that was delivered in a cornhole bag! Drea is Chilean and took the first dance seriously. They performed a cueca, a traditional choreographed dance from Chile that mimics a couple’s courting with handkerchiefs.

An Italian New York wedding with a Central Park ceremony

An Italian New York wedding with a Central Park ceremony

Ilian and Laura are Italian and wanted to celebrate their wedding day in their favorite city in the world, New York City. Their Central Park ceremony was followed by a jaunt around the city to some of their favorite New York haunts. Don’t miss their two stunning gowns (and chiffon cape!) and sweet Times Square stolen kisses.

Untitled 1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Bubble guns and ribbon wands: a colorful playful wedding that will tickle your inner child

Colleen and David rocked so many killer ideas for their colorful playful wedding that we can barely fit it all in telling you about it. You’ll scroll through these photos writing down everything you see. First, the colors: tangerines, raspberries, corals with accent of aquas. It was definitely a playful vibe over super romantic and sacred.

Second, the decor: water tower table numbers from brown craft kits. Adorable. They held a crafting contest for best centerpiece decoration during dinner and had a table full of markers, googly eyes, and more. Don’t miss the handmade signs, 160 ribbon wands, and bubble guns. This one is a winner on all fronts, but especially for FUN. Let’s see it…

When a bride rolls up on a white horse (or how we LOVED this New Jersey farm wedding)

When a bride rolls up on a white horse (or how we LOVED this New Jersey farm wedding)

Justin and Lauren are from Qatar and came home to Justin’s family farm for their wedding. The whole farm was featured at the wedding from the rad altar the family made out of found wood, to the backyard cocktail party, and then the safari tented reception. Guests were ferried around on the back of a tractor and the paths were lit with string lights.

Anne Boleyn weds Freddy Krueger: When a Halloween wedding wins over every horror fan

Anne Boleyn weds Freddy Krueger: When a Halloween costume wedding wins over every horror fan

We wanted potential guests to know what they were getting into right away and used our invitations to set the tone. They had a photo of us as bride and groom zombies and included a “Costumes Required” section. We had a basket of masks available at the ceremony in case people didn’t take the invitation seriously but our guests outdid themselves. Every single person got behind our theme and showed up in an amazing costume. Despite the instructions to our guests many thought we were going to wear “normal” bride and groom attire. We proved them wrong and got married in our dream Halloween costumes. Anne Boleyn weds Freddy Krueger? Why not?!

Pink dress, costume contests, and a Harry Potter ceremony blessing at this spooky glam wedding

Pink dress, costume contests, and a Harry Potter ceremony blessing at this spooky glam wedding

Since we’re going for full-on Halloween party here, there was a costume table and a WWE championship belt for the costume contest. It’s time to finally see this spooky glam wedding…