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Real Offbeat Weddings

We love featuring a truly diverse range of real weddings, from highly stylized theme weddings to elopements to simple and small weddings. Submit your wedding for consideration via

Kelly & Rick’s zany, red and black gothic wedding

Kelly & Rick didn’t really have a budget in mind. But they also knew that they didn’t want to spend a fortune on their wedding. Instead of compromising their vision they decided to look for cheaper options. The result was a beautiful red and black themed gothic wedding!

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RJ & Amanda’s eco-friendly science experiment wedding

My partner and I aren’t at all religious, but both work in scientific fields and spend most of our free time hiking and rock-climbing. Add in that we’re both hopeless geeks, and a science museum is the obvious place to get hitched.

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Victoria & Fritz’s Vintage Camping Wedding

We decided to go against any traditions and do exactly what we wanted to do, no questions asked. We started this by sending out our save the date, in which we are naked with only fruit covering up my chest

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Marcella & Derek’s World of Warcraft meets Spanish carnivale wedding

Marcella & Derek are both gamer geeks who met while playing World of Warcraft. Since they met through the game they had to include it in their wedding. So they had a spanish carnival meets World of War craft themed wedding!

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Tami & Tristan’s swing-dancin’ wedding shindig on a farm

Tami & Tristan got married on a farm next to a beautiful river in Melbourne. They had 1930’s theme and the bride entered the wedding in an old carriage! They finished the evening by suspiring everyone with a swing dance!

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Michael & Jeannie’s eternal Tae Kwon Do wedding

Michael & Jeannie met while learning Tae Kwon Do. They thought the best way to celebrate their union would be through a “sparring match.”