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Real Offbeat Weddings

We love featuring a truly diverse range of real weddings, from highly stylized theme weddings to elopements to simple and small weddings. Submit your wedding for consideration via

5461384981 2b49727910 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Allison & Jason’s spiritual, frickin’ cold, tango-infused wedding

Day 3 of Kilt Week = awesomeness. Royal blue dress + purple kilt = total awesomeness.

4538001067 b25734607a alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Donna & Kev’s black, white, and wonky wedding with monkeys!

I know the title gives it away, but there are monkeys! In a wedding dress and kilt! Flip through the slideshow for a special treat/horror/hilarity for Kilt Week wedding #2.

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Jennifer & Dustin’s Potluck BBQ Extravaganza wedding

The Irish got their week last week, so now it’s time to celebrate the Scottish with Kilt Week! The first kilt-tastic wedding features a couple who knew each other in high school and reconnected after many years, a marriage, and some kids. Awww.

5135080002 d58310c881 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Tori & Clayton’s 1920s “cat gangster,” pirate-y, guerilla wedding

Tori and Clayton intrigued and delighted us in our Valentine’s Day Monday Montage — Cat ears and tails? Pink hair and pirates? San Francisco land marks? We wanted more. Well here we go…

breastfeeding bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kate & Glen’s geeky, atheist, breastfeeding wedding

An Irish bride breastfeeding her baby — what could be better? Happy St. Paddy’s day from all of use at Offbeat Bride!

5163057248 2b9140bef9 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Rebecca & Aelish’s bluegrass, mismatched, vintage-y par-tay wedding

Two insanely, insanely gorgeous dresses wore by two gorgeous brides. You need more? How about the best line for a ring ceremony EVAR!