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How do you feel about your wedding? What does it all mean? How does wedding planning a metaphor for the rest of your life?

i love my double chin alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Why I love my double-chin laugh (and hope to see it at my wedding)

I love all the wedding advice about how to look good in wedding pictures. I really do. Aside from senior pictures, when else are you going to hire a professional photographer to take pictures of you in all your glamorous glory? BUT… I am also totally looking forward to at least one picture of me with a massive double chin.

smitten kittens alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How my dead cat helped me propose to my boyfriend

When Eric and I started dating I told him I didn’t think much of marriage and I didn’t know if I wanted to have kids. I felt like marriage ends in divorce about half the time, and kids infringe on your freedom. Why willingly subject yourself to that stuff? But seeing how much he was there for me during one of the harder times of my life made me trust him so completely. I began to think if he has this much patience and concern for a cat that isn’t even his responsibility to take care of, imagine how dedicated and loving he will be to our family.

DSC 0080bw alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Social anxiety, expectations, and raising a child: Why we chose a pseudo-elopement

After three years of engagement, we finally started to figure out what we wanted to do for our wedding. Throw a big party? Throw a small party? Run away? Ugh, they all sounded hard and not right. I wanted our wedding to be special for us, and not be bogged down with anxiety, and feeling like no one was as happy as I wanted them to be. The one thing that kept sticking was pseudo eloping, and it was perfect.

6945215277 159d5fa750 c alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Reconciling marriage as a feminist: Does everything about the wedding have to be a feminist battle?

I feel that each of the choices we make for our wedding need to be conscious choices. We need to weigh the comfort of tradition against the statement (overt or otherwise) that it may make. Not every feminist wedding is going to look the same — and certainly one can be a feminist and have a more “traditional” wedding. I don’t decide who is a feminist and who is not — I only get to determine how my feminism manifests itself.

alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Why is my wedding making everyone ELSE insecure?

As soon as my fiancé and I announced our engagement, there were a number of questions and comments we heard over and over and over again. But I was very surprised to hear this comment repeatedly: “Uh-oh, if you’re having a wedding that means I really have to start changing my body so I can be there!” I’ve done a lot of thinking about why people just attending a wedding feel the need to change their bodies. Understanding their reasons has helped me figure out how to best communicate to my friends and family that I love them just the way they are, and that they shouldn’t feel the need to change for me…

UH more like 2024 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How postponing my wedding saved my marriage

“It’s just one day,” I said to myself nervously. “It’s the marriage after that matters.”

I repeated that like a mantra while I continued with the plans for a day I didn’t want to have, not at that time or in that way. I had made promises, printed invitations, spent the money I was given for the “big day.”

Wouldn’t I be letting everyone down if I cancelled or postponed? I kept my mouth shut while guilt and nerves churned in my stomach.