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Wedding trends

While editing Offbeat wed, we look at thousands of weddings a year. Sometimes we notice trends — and sometimes we notice things that the mainstream wedding media SAYS are trends, that actually totally aren’t.

monogrammed napkins alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Monogrammed wedding napkins as couple re-branding

Largely because I grew up in the south, I feel almost as much like it’s as expected of me to have monogrammed, or personalized napkins as it is for me to change my names. I’m doing neither. Besides, what’s the deal with monogrammed stuff and newlywed folks, anyway? Then I realized… it’s all re-branding!

alternative names for bridal parties crop alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Alternative and gender-neutral wedding party names: adventure party, bridesmates, henchmen, and TONS more!

With the rising popularity of gender-blind wedding parties, and weddings without bridal parties, we need terms beyond “bridesmaids” and “groomsmen” to refer to the people who are helping you with all your wedding duties. Here are a few of the creative alternative names for bridal parties that our readers and Tribesmaids have come up with

cute retro swimsuit alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Something old, new, borrowed and skimpy: Would you get married in a swimsuit?

Ariel was quoted in an article yesterday about a new trend of bridal swimsuits…

thebarn alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

My barn wedding is not a unique and special snowflake… and that’s okay!

I fancy myself an individual. I mean, I reckon we all do. And while no one has been shaped by the same life events I have, the concept of truly being “unique” is one that we rest a lot of importance on. I always figured I wouldn’t have a “typical” wedding. I’m a modest, geeky, tomboy of a girl, and I felt a good guideline for planning a wedding would be incorporating things that make me happy. I didn’t know jack about weddings when I started out planning for all this. But if I’ve learned anything, it’s that the things that make me happy also make other people happy.

6240178097 55d4745596 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Not every wedding choice has to “mean something”

I see this attitude a lot, about weddings, where everything is “supposed to mean something.” Before we got engaged, I had this grand notion that every little choice that we made about our wedding was going to be somehow representative of us. Now I can’t imagine doing that without going crazy from the stress.

Screen shot 2013 03 19 at 12.04.47 PM alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How this bride entered wedding stealth mode on Pinterest

We all have at least one friend we follow on Pinterest who is guilty of obsessively over-pinning wedding stuff. Her non-stop hoarding of the typical wedding/spam pins have made me realize a couple of things.

1. Unfollow that shiznit, pronto, before you burst into an epic feminist-esque rage.
2. Excessive pinning to a non-secret board is annoying.

Enlightenment #2 made a light bulb go off in my head…