Wedding program mustaches
Offbeat Bride Carolyn Cambell has a great spin the mustache wedding trend: As she says: When I was making the programs/fans, I didn’t know what to put on the back, so I thought about what I wanted to see when I looked out at the crowd. Of course! My aunt with a mustache. For more […]
Did Jessica McClintock create the perfect offbeat wedding dresses?
After doing a ton of wedding profiles, I started to notice a recent offbeat wedding trend. Apparently, Jessica McClintock has captured the hearts of offbeat brides this past season with her black and white wedding dresses. With it’s dramatic contrast between black and white and vintage-style lace, it’s like a classic wedding dress with a […]
Trends vs. Super Awesome Ideas
Why do we have to use the word trend? It seems that most people, especially Offbeat Brides, wrinkle their nose at that word. But maybe we could just call them super awesome ideas.
The fallacy of offbeat trends
I’m confused by the “trends” that have been emerging with Offbeat Bride. To me, it feels like the concept behind the book and the site are supposed to be “Offbeat = Personally Expressive,” but lately it’s been more of “Offbeat = Red Dress, Birdcage Veil, & Sneakers.” The message seems like it’s getting lost. Instead […]