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When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

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Realizing I can’t do it all on the wedding day: A “Type A” bride’s crisis

I never realized how “Type A” I can be until I started planning a wedding. It’s giving me an inordinate amount of stress to know that I can’t actually be the one cuing the music during our wedding ceremony. I can’t be the one decorating the tables at the reception hall. I can’t sit with the DJ and make sure he picks the perfect sequence of songs. Fellow Type-A brides: How are you handling having to relinquish control of your wedding day to other people?

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Couple bridal shower games: cute ideas for co-ed wedding showers!

I want a couples wedding shower, and most of the internet just says very vague things like “well then pick games that include men and register for tools,” and that’s not helpful. Besides a “decorate a mug/glass/picture frame/etc.” for the couple station, I can’t think or find other male-friendly games that also include conservative grandma, boozy uncle, best friends, loud aunt, quiet grandpa, etc.

Screen Shot 2013 09 30 at 3.28.58 PM alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

What if you don’t want to play “princess for a day” at your wedding?

“I’m not really into princess-y dresses.”

“Oh, but why not?” asked Frannie, bustling behind me to unpin. “It’s your only chance to be a princess for a day. Every girl wants that.”

“Actually,” I replied, suddenly tired of being “helped” by this well-meaning woman and others like her, “I don’t like princesses.”

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How being a bridesmaid taught me to embrace my inner fancy bitch

When I got married two years ago, budget budget budget was the focus of the day. This meant forgoing a big expensive dress, keeping costs low on the honeymoon, having a lunch instead of a dinner wedding. Looking back on my wedding, I have no regrets and didn’t miss wedding planning afterwards. But then I got invited to be a bridesmaid for my little sister. Upon hearing that I could choose my own dress and shoes, something deep deep within me that had been suffocated since my own wedding has reared its head.

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Build your brooch bouquet with the help of your friends and family

Thinking of putting together a brooch bouquet for your wedding, but not sure where to get all the brooches? Or maybe you want a sweet way to incorporate all your friends into your wedding? You can do both if you ask your friends to gift you brooches for your wedding shower!

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The unexpected benefits of “getting legalled” before our wedding

The impetus behind our legalling came upon us quite unexpectedly: I became aware of a scholarship available to military spouses. The catch: I wouldn’t become a military spouse until my after the deadline to apply for the scholarship had passed. So we got legalled. As expected, having the ability to now apply for this scholarship is a wonderful thing. But something completely unexpected happened through this experience that I did not anticipate.