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When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

How to donate your wedding leftovers

How to donate your wedding leftovers to shelters or animal rescues

Looking for a way to save your leftover wedding food from going to waste without having to haul it back to your house for a three-day binge? You can actually donate your unspoiled leftovers. Your caterer may already be doing it, in fact. If they’re following safety standards and in communication with coordinating shelters, it can totally work. Let’s talk about how to donate your wedding leftovers.

pinterest advice for offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

The 3 stages of planning a wedding with Pinterest

Putting Pinterest into the hands of a confused and overwhelmed bride or groom is like putting alcohol into the hands of someone who’s never had a drink and not warning them about having too much. I know that seems dramatic, and yes it is, BUT it’s not far from the truth. There are three main feelings Pinterest can evoke, each of which can tip you over the edge. I’m hoping that this will serve as “The Talk” and help you navigate what can be an amazing aide to a great night, or the biggest hangover.

fighting bridezilla as alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How do we fight the sexist and insensitive term “Bridezilla”?

I was met with was a multitude of articles with instructions on how to avoid becoming a Bridezilla, but none with helpful tips on how to avoid frustration at continually being called one. The bottom line for me is this: Being called a Bridezilla, warranted or not, seems very sexist and insensitive. So, how do we fight this deeply rooted concept?

These gamers rocked a music festival playlist vibe (& a Bioshock-themed first look!)

Offbeat wedding styles for grooms and other masculine folks

We luv us some offbeat fashion, and the fellas out there cannot be left out of the equation. I’ve rounded up 22 truly inspiring, high-tone looks from our groom gear tag. Browse to your heart’s content and witness everything from kilts to zoot suits to kimono — this is serious wedding style for grooms and other masculine folks.