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When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

Fear and loathing and wedding planning: working through your shit during the engagement

Fear and loathing and wedding planning: working through your shit during the engagement

The engagement period, the period between “Yes” and “I do,” is transitory — a life-changing transition. We spend a lot of time focusing on the actual day. It is, after all, supposed to be the “best day of your life.” There are magazines, websites, and blogs dedicated to this monumental moment, but few people talk about the importance of simply being engaged. Marrying another person is a big deal. A lot comes with that commitment.

Here are my lessons learned…

haters gonna hate cross stitch on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

“Just admit you are ‘woman-babies’ who can’t get enough of this childish shit”

Remember how in January, I was all “Meh, offbeat weddings are pretty well accepted as mainstream at this point”? Remember that?

Well, this year has had some tricks up its sleeve for sure, and one of those tricks is that for a whole bunch of reasons, American culture is taking a hard swing right now. The blasé tolerant attitude of “eh, who even cares — you do you” that’s been around the past eight years or so is shifting, and with that shift is coming an interesting wave of hatefulness toward the offbeat…

Offbeat wedding themes that blew even our minds-500x333

23 offbeat wedding themes that blew even our minds

One type of wedding that we feature heavily is a THEMED WEDDING. We love our theme-less weddings just as much, but sometimes a killer theme just feels so right. Is there a theme that hasn’t been done? Surely. Are we game to see it? Absolutely. Here are a few offbeat wedding themes that blew our minds at the time (and maybe still do to this day!). Whether it was totally gorgeous, hilarious, outrageous, or just plain new to us, there have been some doozies.

instagram is my happy place @offbeatbride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

The surprising ways I’m using Instagram to plan a wedding

A lot has changed since I planned a wedding eight years ago. Mostly… Instagram’s existence. It’s my favorite social media platform, for keeping up with friends and sharing my own life. But it’s also been surprisingly helpful for wedding planning!

Have you checked out any wedding tags on Instagram? The #offbeatbride hashtag itself will send you down an endless rabbit hole of wedding inspiration. In a few seconds I went from scrolling, to clicking on a cool looking dress and discovering a new designer…