Category Archive


When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

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Sonya Naumann & The Thousand Dollar Dress

Sonya Nausmann is an Iowa City-based artist who’s working on a photography project chronicling 1000 women wearing her wedding gown, the titular Thousand Dollar Dress. Sonya’s photography is provocative, and her project offers a pointed commentary on women, marriage, and identity.

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Thanks to Cassandra for sending me a link to this New York Magazine article: Attack of the Indiezilla When getting married becomes an elaborate display of unharnessed self-expression, the result is a wedding that doesn’t look like a wedding at all. The article peeves me a bit, and it’s not just the title or the […]

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16 winged brides to make your little fairy heart take flight

I wish more brides wore wings to their weddings … it’s such a fanciful, fun way to lighten up the day. Can this become a trend, please? Thanks. Here’s more fodder for the wing trend fire…

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When people don’t think you’re excited enough about your wedding

I do not feel squealy and elated when I talk about my wedding, and this seems to disappoint (and sometimes even upset) other people. How can I address others’ unsolicited wedding enthusiasm without seeming negative or rude?