10 reasons you need to read Offbeat Bride the book, and not just offbeatwed.com
It’s a painful irony for me as an author: I set up offbeatwed.com to promote Offbeat Bride, and now it turns out that almost 70% of my readers opt for the marketing materials instead of the book itself!
Styley-assed groom
You’ll be seeing more of Jon and Julie’s wedding later this week, but I just had to give this stylin’ groom a post all his own. Because really: this outfit is fucking FAB. Look at that brocaded jacket with tails! The hat! The impeccable specs! The vest! The boots! The ascot! For god sake, look […]
My 2008 halloween costume: YOU!
After working on offbeatwed.com for almost two years now (and Offbeat Bride the book for another year before that!) I’ve started to see some definite trends in offbeat bride styles. I mean yes: we’re all doing our own thang, but there are definitely elements that seem to pop up repeatedly in offbeat weddings. To celebrate […]
Wedding mustaches
Offbeat Brides and their grooms and their guests love fake mustaches. LOVE THEM. I have no idea where this trend came from, but within the last month I’ve seen enough mustachioed wedding parties to realize that this isn’t an isolated incident. And in fact, it’s not even just weddings — mustaches are everywhere. I’m telling […]