Category Archive


When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

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And the groom wore a pink flower

…And a beard, and fabulous frames, and a beatific smile: We’ll be seeing much more of Dave and his dreads and his fabulous pink flower and GORGEOUS bride next week…

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Spokane couple aims to recycle 400,000 cans to pay for their wedding

Andrea and Pete are combining two different kinds of awesome into one fabulous wedding: they’re trying to pay for their low-budget summer 2010 wedding by recycling 400,000 aluminum cans. In a move that it’s both uber-eco-friendly as well as budget minded, they’re scouring their city of Spokane, WA to find cans to recycle. I cornered […]

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How to make things easy for your bridesmaids — no penis cake necessary

“Is it too presumptive to tell my bridesmaids that I don’t want a bachelorette party OR a bridal shower?”

0468 with logo alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Yes, I’m a sucker for reader photos

I love this shot of OBT member Emily and her husband Michael doing a little light reading at their wedding in September. Emily captioned this shot Offbeat Bride: Don’t Get Married Without It!