It isn’t all sunshine and unicorns: Reconciling my wedding expectations with my likely wedding realities
In which a Tribe member lines up her great wedding day expectations, along with the crushing reality of the likely wedding day scenario, and realizes that, while it’s not all sunshine and unicorns, but it’s still gonna be pretty fucking awesome.
Gay groom fashion and gender queer wedding warriors
“I’m helping my gay friend get married to the man of his dreams. He doesn’t want to go with a typical wedding tuxedo, but they definitely want some femininity in their wedding. Help?”
So they are now selling wedding decor at BHLDN, Anthropologie’s foray into the wedding world. Personally, I sort of love them in a very conflicted way. There are some super-cute things that I would definitely consider buying/DIYing, but I wanted to share two hilariously “Wha?” offerings.
From the duct tape to muglies: all the little ways Offbeat Bride shaped my wedding
“I am very very very happy that I am not getting married pre-Offbeat Bride. I looked at a bridal magazine today and, instead of it intimidating me or making me feel bad about my wedding choices, it looked boring and dated. Where are the coloured dress options? Where are the rocking grooms? Where are the excellent budget options for the recession bride? Where are the wicked cool flower alternatives? They aren’t there.”