Why you should ALWAYS ask about other booked events at your wedding venue
Did you hear the one about the Offbeat Bride who found out about the Fetish Con being hosted at her wedding venue? Yeah… Add that to the list of “shit I would NEVER have thought about when planning a wedding.” So here’s a little tip from reader/former hotel business lady Rebecca…
Cue guests to participate in your ceremony with wedding cue cards
I want to talk about cue cards. We first mentioned about this idea way back in 2007 and it’s still giggle-worthy. This particular helpful groomsman was the cue card master at Yolkai and Anthony’s lots-o-red wedding.
Cara & Robert’s born-and-bred NYC blended family wedding
Checker cabs, pizza, and Italian ices: it’s NYC, baby! This pair comes from traditional New York Italian families, so offbeat was definitely a new concept. But they managed to combine a zombie cake, Mr. Met, and late-night nosh with getting ready at the bride’s childhood home and familiar wedding traditions. Plus, you’ll love the bride’s vows to her new stepchildren.
Break the glass in a whole new way with a Prince Rupert’s Drop
Val and Galen’s science tendencies led them to a really interesting and symbolic unity ceremony. They created what’s called a Prince Rupert’s Drop. I’m sure some of you academics out there know what’s up with this, but I had to take to Wikipedia and Val’s description to see what the hell this was all about.