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Alternative Wedding Ceremony Ideas & Examples

We’ve got SO much wedding ceremony advice like how to officiate a wedding, tons of wedding ceremony readings, a bazillion wedding ceremony scripts, and even wedding vow examples! We’ve also got info about handfasting and other unity ceremonies. You’ll want to start here: Wedding Ceremony 101.

Passionate wedding reading

“Mouths wandering each to each”: A seriously passionate wedding reading

Upon first glance at this wedding reading, it seems lovely and sweet. But give it a second and it starts to sounds like some real live passion is being felt here. It’s a supremely passionate wedding reading with just a tinge of “oh hell yeah, THIS is what I’m talking about.” Logic and rationality is all well and good, but this has some physicality and emotional heft to it. If you need a heady thrill in your wedding readings, this short and sweet one by Christopher Brennan is the one.

At Last: a sweet wedding reading that honors a life lived before finding love

At Last: a sweet wedding reading that honors a life lived before finding love

Not unlike Etta James’ classic love song “At Last,” this particular reading narrows down those feelings of having lived life, been beaten by it a time or two, and still being joyful that you found lasting love. Considering how many weddings are second marriages or older-than-average couples, the sentiment is really lovely and really realistic. Here’s a sweet wedding reading that takes into account a life lived prior to the wedding…

7 questions to help you create a super personalized wedding ceremony

7 questions to help you create a super personalized wedding ceremony

There’s not much guidance for thinking about the ceremony itself. What even is a wedding? What’s it for? And how do you go about planning the part of your wedding where you actually get married? Having guided a lot of couples — not to mention my fiancée — through the process of planning a wedding, here are my top seven questions to get you going on a personalized wedding ceremony that reflects your relationship…

Great quotes from Loving v. Virginia to include in your ceremony

Stirring quotes from Loving v. Virginia to include in your ceremony

We plucked some amazing nuggets from Obergefell v. Hodges (the SCOTUS marriage equality case in which the Court held that the right to marry is guaranteed to same-sex couples under the Constitution) recently to include in your wedding ceremony and this time around we’re focusing on Loving v. Virginia. In this political climate, we want to call out all opportunities to bring light to the struggles of those who have fought for marriage equality in all ways.

Here are some amazing quotes from Loving v. Virginia to include in your ceremony…