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Alternative Wedding Ceremony Ideas & Examples

We’ve got SO much wedding ceremony advice like how to officiate a wedding, tons of wedding ceremony readings, a bazillion wedding ceremony scripts, and even wedding vow examples! We’ve also got info about handfasting and other unity ceremonies. You’ll want to start here: Wedding Ceremony 101.

"Forget" to exchange rings for a super intimate moment after your ceremony

Here’s why you can “forget” to exchange rings at your ceremony

Bryan and Chris had a little snafu in their ceremony that turned into a killer moment that they actually recommend! We agreed and couldn’t wait to recommend totally forgetting to exchange your rings at the ceremony. Yep, you read that right. Here’s what happened that led to a private ring exchange…

Tear-jerking (but not too romantic) family wedding readings for all your sisters and pals

Tear-jerking (but not too romantic) family wedding readings for all your sisters and pals

My older sister has given me a TON of advice throughout my life, no less so throughout the process of planning my wedding. I want to find a poem or reading to ask her to read that expresses how important this advice has been without being too sappy or evoking God’s perspective too much or too bluntly. A lot of readings I come across are more specifically about the couple committing to one another, and I’d like something more along the lines of seeing a new couple through this life stage and supporting them as they beginning their journey as married folk. Help!

Show a movie scene instead of readings at your ceremony

Show a movie scene instead of readings at your ceremony

If you’ve got access to some video equipment at your wedding ceremony, this idea from Liz and Adam’s movie-themed wedding might be your ticket to a killer ceremony. In lieu of readings, they used surprise movie scenes to illustrate their love for each other. Here’s how they got it done…

alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Atoms and dragonflies: a fantasy wedding reading straight out of a book

Philip Pullman fans: did you know there’s an awesome wedding reading hidden in The Amber Spyglass from His Dark Materials series? Yep, a fantasy wedding reading right smack dab in your fiction. Not shocking considering all the amazing readings we’ve spied in literature.

But this one is pretty special. It’s got atoms creating new atoms and light in sunbeams and dragonflies and pine trees and ohmyglob someone use this reading in their ceremony! Want to hear it? Let’s go…