5 gender-neutral vow examples to melt your nonbinary heart
Looking for a gender-neutral vow for your wedding? Gender-neutral vows can be as beautiful, romantic, funny, quirky, and inspiring as more traditional phrasings. Check out five examples from the Offbeat Bride community.
5 reasons to master how to livestream your wedding in the age of Coronavirus
If the coronavirus has put a crimp in your wedding plans, you might be able to livestream instead. Here are just a few good reasons to livestream your wedding.
A Blessing On Your House: Decoding weird wedding language with a queer Christian minister
Words have histories, and the words that go along with wedding ceremonies have millennia of symbolism behind them.
But those of us with a progressive or non-traditionalist streak sometimes wrestle with those ancient meanings as we seek to queer our rituals and find words that reflect the humanity-uplifting equal partnerships we want to build…
Marry a man who understands feminism: A feminist wedding reading
One of the most challenging aspects of organising our wedding for me and my wife was finding a reading that reflected our mutual values around feminism. I spent hours searching around for a reading to include during the ceremony…