Need a unique unity ceremony? These 6 chemistry ceremonies show off your chemistry at the altar
Unity ceremonies choke us up, but unity chemistry experiments also make us say “Oooh! Ahhh!” Here are half a dozen easy-to-accomplish science demonstrations for your wedding.
Wedding vows for atheists: no promises from the universe are expected
Wedding vows for atheists don’t have to be the same old traditional vows with the religious bits scrubbed out. Be inspired by these beautiful atheist vows.
Dearly beloved: using Prince in your wedding ceremony
Our ceremony was non-religious (we wrote our own vows), and performed by a dear friend who got ordained via the internet. The ceremony kicked off with our officiant reading the intro lyrics to Prince’s “Let’s Go Crazy”…
Wedding vows from ancient faiths
Use wedding vows from ancient faiths to bring both freshness and tradition to your ceremony.