Category Archive

Alternative Wedding Ceremony Ideas & Examples

We’ve got SO much wedding ceremony advice like how to officiate a wedding, tons of wedding ceremony readings, a bazillion wedding ceremony scripts, and even wedding vow examples! We’ve also got info about handfasting and other unity ceremonies. You’ll want to start here: Wedding Ceremony 101.

TashaPriscilla 164 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Wedding vows about CHOICE

We love it when readers share their vows with us — it’s such an honor to get to witness the words of commitment and dedication that Offbeat Bride readers speak to each other. Today, we want to share the vows that Karen and her partner Adrian shared with us, which are filled with words about choice, promise, intention, and teaming up.

We are shooketh by this sunlit forest elopement in Cougal Cascades

Ceremony script outline that recognizes folks attending via webcam

When Bec from Sane Weddings agreed to share some of her unique wedding ceremony scripts with us, we knew we’d hit the jackpot. For those of you trying to assemble your own weddings (or for those of you “friend officiants” who are officiating for someone you know and trying to figure out how to write a wedding ceremony), this ceremony script outline is full of great ideas you can use to build your own.

A 13-color handfasting and fire dancing at this Quebec wiccan wedding

Our pagan wedding blessing and handfasting ceremony script

For those of you looking for some pagan wedding vows and ideas, I wanted to share my handfasting ceremony script. It includes introducing the handfasting ritual, a reading, pledges from family and friends, a ring-warming ceremony, and more!

IMG 0249 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Vow examples: His & Hers

SIMPLY PUT, I VOW THAT I CHOOSE YOU. To stand by your side and sleep in your arms. To be joy for your heart and food for your soul. To learn with you and grow with you, even as time and life change us both. I promise to laugh with you in good times and struggle alongside you in bad times.