Category Archive

Reception Advice

We’ve got tons of obscenely fun wedding reception ideas, which might mean stuff like wedding reception games, wedding reception songs, fun other things to do when there’s no dancing at your wedding, wedding toasts, and so much more…

Screen Shot 2013 08 15 at 11.51.35 AM alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Save your race numbers and use them as your table numbers

Are you and your partner avid runners? Take inspiration from Offbeat Brides Kaitlin and her wife: start saving your race numbers and use them as your table numbers.

9927944573 b5153a8ff3 b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

If you’re giving away your centerpieces, how are you doing it?

I’ve heard lots of different fun ways of giving away centerpieces at your wedding reception, and I’m just curious what other Offbeat Brides have come up with.

I think we want to keep it super simple… I don’t want to make people do a quiz, or a dance contest, or whatever. I think we might just have our MC announce at the end of the dinner, that whoever’s birthday is next at the table, get to take the centerpiece home.

I’m curious what everyone else is doing!

8662503850 7e24d1b36e alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Skip the receiving line and do photos together instead

Ah, the receiving line. That thing that many couples sorta dread, where you stand there awkwardly smiling and hugging people and maybe feeling awkward (…or worse). We loved Mary & Craig’s solution…

5519271654 8921f67d45 b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How can I discourage over-drinking at my reception?

Anyone have any good tips on preventing guest over-drinking at our reception? A dry wedding isn’t what we’re aiming for, but we have a few family members who tend to party a little too hardy for our tastes. We’re still in the early stages of planning, but our bar will probably be at least partially open, since we have a lot of friends who are low on cash. Any ideas?