Help, my Google-fu is busted: How to turn Google into your wedding venue search engine
I’m convinced if I could save some money if I could find a venue not typically usually used for weddings. I started on Google, of course, but gave up after several hours. I can’t get a search engine to pull up any options like that because they aren’t typically considered a wedding venue. And if I search for anything that includes the word venue, I just get the expensive venues. Then I tried talking to family and friends. Then I went to Craigsist. Both were dead ends. Help?
Introvert wedding survival guide for shy or socially anxious couples
I’m in love with love and I love weddings. You’d think, then, that I would have been excited about the prospect of planning my wedding when I got engaged, but I wasn’t. You see, I’m an introvert, and I’m closer to the extreme end of the spectrum. So, the idea of not only going to a party, but of planning a party in honor of my fiancé (who is also an introvert, albeit more social than I am) and me made us both want to run away screaming. After much reflection, however (see definition above), I came to a few conclusions that I thought I’d share in the hopes of helping fellow introverts deal with the idea of a wedding in their honor…
You don’t need that much cake, and other things I’ve learned from catering weddings
I have very limited experience with weddings from the guest side of things — like maybe five in my entire 31 years of living. But I have a ton of experience from the vendor side of things, allowing me to see a wide range of budgets and styles in the wedding world. I thought I’d share a few of my universal observations when it comes to wedding days…
Wedding programs: are they really needed?
Seriously. Are they? Our ceremony will be 20-30 minutes long max. And if my partner could get his way, it’d be done in 5. There will be some talking, some vows, the wine box ceremony, kiss, done. I’m just wondering if I need a program with the wedding party info and all that. Will I miss it during and after the wedding or years down the road?