These are the most X-rated alternatives to the bouquet and garter toss
We’ve featured lots of alternatives to the bouquet and garter tosses over the years, but this one is by far the wildest (and the most NSFW). Find out how this fun-loving couple put an X-rated nontraditional spin to wedding traditions with historically patriarchal connotations.
How to postpone a wedding: Step-by-step guide, plus copy ‘n’ paste wording
The good news is that if we learned anything from the pandemic, it’s how to postpone a wedding. So, here’s our step-by-step guide about how to announce that you’re delaying your wedding and associated events — we’ve even got copy & paste wording templates.
20 heavy metal wedding songs from two snobs
It was not love at first sight for Sonia and Tom… they each thought the other was a “snob” because Tom was into traditional Heavy Metal while Sonia enjoyed Black Metal. But now they’re engaged, and sharing their fave heavy metal wedding songs.
How to wear a wedding veil with short hair (…or NO HAIR!)
From the Teeny-Weeny Afro to the Pixie Cut and everything in between, nearlyweds rocking short hair are everywhere! But how to do you wear a wedding veil with short hair? Most veils have combs meant for longer hair… but we gotchoo!