How to use smoke bombs like a pro in your wedding portraits
Y’all probably remember Jane and Matt’s amazing wedding, right? Their colorful smoke bomb portraits are still whizzing around our dulcet dreams. I needed to know: how easy are these smoke bombs/smoke fountains to use and are there some best practices to make them rock? The answer is totally YES. Here’s how to use smoke bombs in your wedding or engagement photos…
Gifts, loans, and student debt: the importance of being clear about money
Ariel was recently quoted in an “Ask Brianna” article over here. The issue was how can someone pay for a wedding while they’re really trying to pay down their student loans at the same time. It’s a sticky issue with the hugely rising costs of college AND weddings.
Here’s what Ariel had to say about communication regarding financing with your family.
Let the wedding games begin: 18 wedding lawn games + prize ideas
Outdoor lawn games are a killer way to keeps kids and kids-at-heart busy at a reception. They’re even more rad at a no dancing reception. Take advantage of a good season and some good outdoor space for badminton, ring toss, corn hole, and giant versions of your favorite nostalgic games like Jenga and 4-to-Score. Plus, it’ll get your indoor gaming friends out into familiar territory.
Let’s get to the games!
“It’s too soon to invite your new girlfriend”: how to deal with guest list drama while grieving
“My fiance has a family member whose spouse passed away. Less than a month after this passing, the family member began to date another person. By the time we get married, they’ll only have been dating for four months and we don’t feel comfortable inviting her to the wedding. How can I better explain this to the family member whose girlfriend we are not inviting?”