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Wedding advice and etiquette can be a weird thing, especially when you’re talking about alternative and offbeat weddings. We pride ourselves on our compassionate focus on constructive, respectful communication and focus on conflict resolution.

Gay wedding etiquette rules every guest should follow

Pronouns & assumptions: Gay wedding etiquette rules every guest should follow

Maybe you’re a seasoned pro at attending same-sex weddings or maybe they’re a new concept for you, and you don’t want to be responsible for any awkwardness on someone’s wedding day. It’s easy to fall prey to a faux pas when it comes to saying the right things. Understand that the basics, love and respect, remain the same for both straight and LGBTQ weddings.

Here are six gay wedding etiquette rules that will make you the couple’s favorite…

dd alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How to plan a more ethical wedding (including an edible bouquet!)

When I was preparing for my own wedding I started thinking: how could we do this more ethically? The very nature of a wedding being a one day event, and in many cases an extravaganza of guests and details and expense, means that inevitably there are waste issues, or worries about whether certain things are “worth it.” So, how can we do things more ethically? What should we look for in an ethical supplier? How do we do the very best that we can do?

6 tips for making your wedding website useful AND stylish

6 tips for making your wedding website useful AND stylish

Are you engaged? YAY! I have a feeling that a lot of you are thinking about wedding hashtags and websites and social media, oh my. Weddings are way more high tech these days and a wedding website is pretty standard fare now. Here’s how to make yours great…

How to avoid your email save-the-date going to spam

How to avoid your email save-the-date going to spam

My partner and I decided to send out email save-the-dates instead of a physical card. I do, however, have a warning for you if you are planning on going the green route with your save-the-date by sending out electronic ones. If you send an email with an image, you may hit your guests’ spam folders. Here are some pros and cons of going green with your save-the-dates and how you can avoid your save-the-date going to spam…