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Wedding advice and etiquette can be a weird thing, especially when you’re talking about alternative and offbeat weddings. We pride ourselves on our compassionate focus on constructive, respectful communication and focus on conflict resolution.

electricheart alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Dread extension advice for brides

Part II of my series on dready weddings is a guest blog from none other than Ms. Siouxzi Rodeman, steampunk bride and fake dread aficionado. First, ask yourself… What makes you feel amazing or really brings out the sparkle in you? How far do you want to take your “offbeat” look? What do you want […]

bridal ear plugs gauged wedding earrings alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Earrings for brides with stretched lobes

I have stretched earlobes, 2G to be precise. Not as big as they could be, but they’re definitely not bridal-jewelry accessible. Even though my ears are larger-than-the-average-bride, I want to play with the wedding bling too! i’ve seen some beautiful large-gauged fancy filigree, and diamond studded plugs online, but I’ve yet to find anything that […]

Dealing with guest list drama

It’s another episode of Offbeat Bride video advice! Woohoo! Apologies for the delay on this one — this vid is actually a few weeks old (my hair is now six inches shorter), but I was having issues with my camera’s memory card. Bla bla bla, technical difficulties whatever — here we go! Offbeat Bride Advice: […]

corpsebride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How to style your dreads on your wedding day

Can you steer me in the direction of wedding hair for chicks with dreads? My mom is fucking tripping (which is so completely weak considering that I’m 32 and paying for the shindig) so I thought I’d get her to chillax with some dready wedding goddess hair pix. -Reba We’ve got you on this one! […]