Offbeat groom gear ideas I stole from my husband’s Pinterest
Those of you who read Offbeat Home have heard about my husband’s scandalous love affair with Pinterest. He’s been pinning like a fiend for the last six months, and he’s got some stuff pinned that I thought might be of interest to Offbeat Grooms who are just starting down their process of “I think I don’t want a tux, but then what DO I want?” Here, courtesy of my husband’s Pinterest board, are a few ideas.
What do you do with your wedding photos after the wedding?
What did you do with your photos after the wedding? Do you have them up in your house? Do you have an album? If you have an album, do you get it out and look at it regularly? … I mean, I could put one or two up, but I live in a small apartment and I don’t want to turn it into a wedding theme park.
Let’s put an end to exclusionary language and sexist vendors in the wedding industry
In which an event planner gets worked up over the poor treatment of grooms in the Wedding Industrial Complex and while she rages against the machine, she also gives us tips on how YOU can help put an end to sexist vendors.
Will I stay friends with my wedding party after my wedding?
How often do brides/grooms end up no longer particularly liking some friends from their bridal party? Quite a few of my friends have gotten married in the past couple of years, myself included, and I’m wondering if I’m noticing a scary trend. I was talking to one friend, and she only talks to one of her bridesmaids now, and her bridal party was created from a very strong friend base for her. I’m still very close to most of my bridal party, with the exception of one person, and I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Is it common to drift apart from those we’ve been so close to?