Avoid wedding day memory loss: How to slow down and actually remember your wedding
Everyone tells me to make sure to “slow down and take everything in” on your wedding day — but no one says how to actually accomplish it!
How can I make sure I take a minute to stop and smell the roses on the day of my wedding? 100 guests, all those decorations, all that shit to do. How can I make sure I take a second to slow down?
Fun and funky pool decor for your backyard wedding
So we are getting married next to a swimming pool, on a patio that we won’t be able to decorate much. The thought just occurred to me that we could have something float in the pool for decoration but I can’t think of what. Any suggestions?
Make a toast with actual toast!
Gnat and Chris cut up actual pieces of toast in the shape of wine glasses for a literal “toast.”
6 ways to survive wedding planning with your self-esteem intact
Leading up to our wedding day, I felt terrible about myself. I’d gone and convinced myself that, during everything from my walk up the aisle to our first dance, I was going to resemble a huge, ungainly, lolloping mess, at which everyone would laugh. I felt like Mr Blobby in drag.
So, if you’re anything like me, here’s a little survival guide for keeping your self-worth intact while planning your wedding.