Yes, you can use Spotify as your wedding DJ
Before we got married, I read SO MANY posts about how it’s just easier to hire a DJ and not worry about ceremony music on an iPod. Still… I wasn’t having it. I wanted to control the music, I wanted to make it our own, and I didn’t want to pay out the wazoo for any of it. Our solution? Spotify.
Do group yoga on your wedding day
A wedding day can be stressful or hectic. A great way to set the tone for the day and bond with select people is to do a group (or even individual/couple) yoga before your ceremony!
Ditch the photo guest book and ask your artistic guests to draw self-portraits
We went into an art store and came across a photography-themed journal filled with illustrations of cameras, photo-taking paraphernalia, and blank “frames.” It gave us the idea to ask our guests to draw self-portraits. We allowed lots of space for our guests (many of them artists) to fill it in with their artwork and signatures and colored Sharpies added to the fun.
Make an old dress new again with a little added color
Kim’s mom gave her this flowy white dress to wear at her wedding, but the icing on the cake was definitely Kim’s addition of a new fabulous waistband and straps.