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Fashion Advice

Sure, we’ve got wedding dress shopping advice and guides for plus-sized folks… but Offbeat Wed’s fashion coverage includes SO much more, like tuxedo alternatives for grooms, clothes for genderqueer and nonbinary folks, lots of very unique wedding shoes, and more!

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Mix high fashion and low fashion with this style board from Well-Groomed

The key to coming up with an alternative to suits is mixing and matching. Branch out to different brands and price points to create a look that’s an unexpected showstopper. Here’s one example…

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My dress doesn’t define me: How a tomboy learned to love taffeta

I have always been a tomboy. That’s not to say that I’ve never worn a dress before; I do like to get “dressed up,” but my definition of dressed up doesn’t match most of society’s definition. Now I love a pretty dress as much as the next girl, but trying to find a wedding gown that suited my personality and my budget was one of the hardest things about planning my wedding. I hated everything. I didn’t want a formfitting dress but somehow I couldn’t fit the notion of those giant cupcake dresses in with my lack of femininity.

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Make an old dress new again with a little added color

Kim’s mom gave her this flowy white dress to wear at her wedding, but the icing on the cake was definitely Kim’s addition of a new fabulous waistband and straps.

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Wedding dresses you can breastfeed in: nursing mothers rejoice, we have a gigantic round-up just for YOU

All kinds of tops and dresses can are breastfeeding-friendly, especially once you get the hang of it. While I didn’t don a wedding or bridesmaid gown during my stint as a nursing mother, I did experiment with a variety of necklines to find out what was the easiest to maneuver my son around. You also want to wear something that can be folded back/pushed to the side pretty quickly — hungry babies are demanding!

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9 things you need to know if you want to DIY your wedding makeup

I’ll be doing my own rainbow makeup on my wedding day and thought that it might be nice to share a few of my handy DIY makeup tips with you all! Including tips on the few makeup “must haves,” nail polish tips, and how lighting will affect your final looks.

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Brawny, stout, or burly: larger grooms look HOT

Our offbeat grooms come in all shapes and sizes and we wouldn’t want it any other way. We decided to dig into our archives for groom (and androgynous) styles that can work on all body types. Note: not all of these men are above average size, but they are all wearing styles that are big and tall-friendly.