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Working tirelessly to bring you stimulating content day after day, the Offbeat Wed editors will not sleep until you've gotten your offbeat fix.
dfggg 070412 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Asa & Ben’s “rock and roll” pinball cheeseburger family wedding

Let’s just see what might make you excited about this wedding: bacon chocolate cupcakes, heavy metal-meets-roller derby, kids vows AND rings, a Spider-Man pinball machine gift, scavenger hunt programs, a “feather girl,” a cheeseburger save-the-date…? I could go on, but I’m pretty sure you’re already heading in to read this one. And you totally should.

5203455006 f35737c04d o alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

On being a special snowflake in a community full of them

Almost every wedding idea I have, someone else here has had before me, and someone else will have it again after me. So how to be a Special Snowflake in a drift of other Special Snowflakes? I’m not entirely sure yet. But here are a few things I AM sure of…

fdgggg 070412 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Angie & Marc’s fairy tale chapel red hot wedding

This bride and her mother both picked out the wedding chapel independently. And once I saw it, I though probably would have too! In an idyllic location, with a small group of their closest pals, donning red gowns and fedoras, these two lovebirds finally closed the 5000 mile-gap and got married.

sefff 062712 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Katy & Aytan’s potluck picnic wedding in the park

I just love simple and sweet weddings filled with love and no pretension. Give me a potluck in the park with the nearest and dearest and I’m sold. This wedding has that and a whole lot of sweetness between the couple. Just don’t accuse the groom of crying — it was obviously just his hair gel getting in his eyes.