A disappointed bride’s 5 tips to get better wedding photos
Our wedding is all done and it was fantastic, but the photography isn’t. There’s little I can do now, except to share some wedding photography advice with the benefit of hindsight in the hopes that my disappointment won’t be yours as well. Here are five things I wish I would have done differently.
Darcy & Charles’ stripey vegan fancypunk wedding
Nom-worthy vegan food, tons of homemade desserts, a gender-blind wedding party covered in stripes, a wild-ass Hora, and perhaps the most excited-looking couple EVAR. That’s what’s in store here. Plus, their dog Lupin saved the day by rescuing the rings!
Angi & Erik’s upcycled country barn wedding
This was a wedding with a lot of hidden surprises: I didn’t see the awesome bouquet, brunch buffet, and upcycled window/seating chart until I hit the Flickr set! There is a lot of DIY to see, a few repurposed items (bride’s dress, machinist-made rings!), and a whole lot of sweet details in this countrified barn wedding.
Zygotic relationships: How getting married is like forming DNA strands
Ever think about how merging lives is like creating DNA strands? I sure didn’t… until one groom (of I am not a Bride fame) started talking about “Are you building up to the 10 fingers and the 10 toes?” And then it all made sense! Ah science and love, what a match you make.