How to DIY a candlelight lamp from a wine glass
A glass of wine by candlelight sounds awfully rom-com-romantic, doesn’t it? How about a wine glass that IS the candlelight? If you’re looking to set the mood for date night, create a soft lit centerpiece, or just bask in the warm glow on a Tuesday night with Netflix, here’s how to make a candlelight lamp from a wine glass.
Emily & Jordan’s fly-fishing and cookies English teacher wedding
We were entranced by this bride’s cookie bouquet and demanded to see MOAR! Thankfully, she obliged and gave us this amazing mountainside budget wedding with little touches of fly-fishing, homebrew, eco-friendly details, and even a fingerprint fish!
Gesche & Johanna’s crafty vegan faery wedding with extra sparkle
You guys, our favorite cherry blossom brides are back! We had a look at their gorgeous first civil ceremony among the cherry blossoms and a preview of this second faery wedding. Get ready to fall in love with their handmade dresses, crafty decor, and totally adorable squee-happy faces.
13 things I wish I’d known on my wedding day
Well, the wedding was beautiful and fun and awesome by all accounts, but now I have the “shoulda-coulda-wouldas” and it’s getting me down. But please, LEARN from my mistakes! I offer you this advice as a bride who didn’t think of all of these things before the wedding…