Category Archive

Working tirelessly to bring you stimulating content day after day, the Offbeat Wed editors will not sleep until you've gotten your offbeat fix.
6479895479 39359615c5 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Ashley & Eric’s Wedding in a Bar

What’s a kick-ass way to arrive for your wedding at a bar? In a bitchin’ party bus! This pair’s rainbow of attendants (rockin’ a rainbow of socks, btw) had to dash between a parade and a police presence to take photos at the park before heading to the bar for a funny little ceremony and deep dish pizza. Check out their alternative guest books, ticketed seating arrangements, and one flower girl’s adorable pout.

hassan052 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

My Nigerian engagement ceremony bridentity crisis

I’m generally of the belief that your wedding is not always about you, but it should reflect you: your beliefs, your values, and your community. But how could I feel good about a ceremony where I didn’t feel like myself and nothing else felt like me either? In the end, it was really been a two-step process…

8281075977 3917589208 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kate & Micah’s two families mess with Texas wedding

Two dresses + twenty folks in a Commitment Crew + dance floor debauchery and BBQ bibs = One very Texas wedding. From the flowers in her hair to the fabulous map of where all the guests had traveled from to share the weekend wedding, to the chalkboard menu of amazing Tex-Mex masterpieces, the personal touches in this wedding are some serious eye-candy. Come get your groove on with this self-DJed partay!

7158068072 d2cccf9d02 c alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

7 awesome ways to add Scrabble to your wedding day

My fellow word nerds, we like some serious Scrabble. Also fun Scrabble, whimsical Scrabble, subtle Scrabble, and tasty Scrabble. How do I know? It’s all over Offbeat Bride. Let me gather it together in a nice pile of tiles and lets see what we can arrange on our rack, shall we?