How to elope to NYC
If you’re looking to skip all the wedding planning drama and elope in New York City, you can make your life easy by getting in touch with Judie and Liam from Elope NYC.
Another hottie bride in glasses
I have a whole tag category for brides in glasses for y’all’s myopic browsing pleasure … and I’ve got a new bride to add to the collection. This is Miss Sassy-Ass Adele from Australia: And as if the glasses and the skull garter weren’t enough to make this wedding seriously amazing, check out the dramatic […]
Breakdancers at Butterbean’s wedding
Inspired by Ariel’s call for MOAR breakdancers at weddings, Tribe member Butterbean had some breakdancers come in to get things hopping at her wedding.
Why I worry when people say they want a “unique” wedding (let’s talk about authenticity vs. attention)
“We’re thinking of having all our parents walk us down the aisle together,” you say to a friend, and then watch for a smile or a twitch of the eyelid. Did that smile mean they like it? Or did it mean they’re just being nice? Shit, I can’t tell! Now I think I’m going to have an anxiety vomit all over the floor!