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Author of three editions of the Offbeat Bride book and its sequel (From Shitshow To Afterglow, the ultimate offbeat breakup book), Ariel Meadow Stallings is the publisher of all the Offbeat Empire web properties. She lives in Seattle with her son.
cindyfongphotography lea 31 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Nonbinary wedding suit shopping tips

The bad news is that you will not be renting anything, and you will not be getting off the hook for less than $300 to $400 if you buy the suit new. The good news is that a good-quality suit will last twenty years if your size remains stable and you care for it well.

8978383472 b19c2d12e8 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Colored crinoline

I’ve featured a fair amount of colored crinoline on Offbeat Bride, but here are a few of my very favorites…

3699150707 9b7b9df936 b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

“Did you know” log centerpieces + tons of DIY inspiration

Here’s a wonderful DIY non-floral centerpiece idea from Tribesmaid Katie Sue’s wedding — a log-sliced wooden base, with two wrapped candles and trivia about wedding traditions held aloft for guests ponder:

fern clutch alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Fall into Red Ruby Rose’s clutches

These amazing clutches come are made from an eclectic mix of contemporary and vintage fabrics that seem custom catered to Offbeat needs — check out the full range of peacock designs! Some of them are so brilliantly colored and gorgeous that I could see a courthouse bride using one instead of a bouquet. Imagine this being held by a bride in a tea length dress, wearing sharp little red gloves…